Secretary of State: “We have two treasures: our Hungarian identity and our Christian faith” "We have two treasures: our Hungarian identity and our Christian faith and existence," said János Árpád Potápi, Secretary of State... 2022.09.05.
Summer Break Officially Over – School Starts Today As of September 1, around 700,000 pupils will start the school year in 2,184 state primary and secondary schools. The... 2022.09.01.
Minister: “Preserving our capacity to act is the key to the future” The national opening ceremony of the vocational education and training year in Hungary was held on Tuesday, with a speech... 2022.08.31.
Foreign Media Distorts State Audit Office’s Report A recent report about so-called "pink education" compiled by Hungary’s State Audit Office (SAO/ÁSZ) has caused an uproar both in... 2022.08.29.
Embattled Hungarian Catholic High School in Romania May Operate Again The municipal council of Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș, Neumarkt am Mieresch) has decided in its meeting on Thursday afternoon to change... 2022.08.26.
“Well Educated People Are One of Hungary’s Most Important Resources” One of Hungary's most important resources is its well-educated human capital; the country needs young, qualified people who are open... 2022.07.04.
Hungary Faces Record High Workforce Shortage as Jobs Go Unfulfilled Hungary faces a never before seen workforce shortage similar to the pre-Covid economic situation, and the problem is only projected... 2022.06.23.
Government Concludes First Meeting with Teachers’ Strike Committee The first meeting between the Hungarian government and teachers’ unions since the pause of the nationwide strike for higher pay... 2022.06.09.
Survey: These Were the Motivations of Fidesz and Opposition Voters Telex reported on a survey designed by the CEU Democracy Institute and conducted by Závecz Research. The survey shows that... 2022.06.03.
Momentum Calls on Interior Min Not to ‘Break Down’ Teacher Protests The opposition Momentum Movement on Tuesday called on Interior Minister Sándor Pintér to address the "real" problems of Hungary's public... 2022.05.25.
High Shortage and Workload with Low Salaries in Hungarian Public Education, EC Country Report Finds The teacher shortage is an escalating problem in Hungary, as the number of teaching hours for Hungarian teachers is very... 2022.05.24.
Interior Min Pintér: Interior Ministry Overview of Education Will Bring ‘Cooperation, Continuity’ Sándor Pintér, tapped to continue leading the interior ministry in the fourth consecutive Orbán government, told parliament's defence and law... 2022.05.18.
Education to Be Placed under Interior Ministry, Teachers’ Union Finds Decision Incomprehensible Last week, the names of the ministers of the fifth Orbán government were announced, and from this, it emerged that... 2022.05.17.
DK: Education, Healthcare, Welfare, Environmental Protection Deemed “Unnecessary” by New Government Gergely Arató, the deputy group leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), on Friday criticised Viktor Orbán's incoming cabinet which... 2022.05.14.
Hungary Education Crisis: Growing Shortage of Specialized Teachers The number of teachers teaching subjects which they are not specifically qualified for in schools around Hungary has increased severely... 2022.05.13.
High School Graduation Exams Begin Monday This year's graduation exam season starts in the traditional, pre-pandemic way and will be held between May 2 and June... 2022.05.02.
Teachers’ Union’s Open Letter to PM Orbán: “We need an independent Education Ministry” The Democratic Trade Union of Teachers (PDSZ) has written an open letter to "Hungary's next Prime Minister," Viktor Orbán, in... 2022.04.26.
Two Students’ Plan to Allow Hungarians to Continue Attending British Universities In the past years, no one was surprised anymore to hear that a Hungarian student was studying in Britain. This... 2022.04.20.
Possible Teachers’ Strike in September over ‘Ridiculous Salaries’ Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke, among other things, about salary increases for teachers at his international press conference last Wednesday.... 2022.04.12.
Hungary Ensures Schooling for Ukrainian Children – But How Will It Work? The Hungarian government is offering schooling to minors fleeing from Ukraine to Hungary, the Human Resources Ministry announced on Wednesday.... 2022.03.27.
Gov’t Not Planning to Negotiate with Teachers’ Unions Until after Elections The government does not want to negotiate with teachers' unions until after the elections. However, the unions will continue to... 2022.03.22.