Survey Reveals Widespread Fake News Exposure among Youth A recent survey by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has revealed key insights into the digital habits of... 2024.12.03.
Rákóczi Association’s Camps Foster National Unity Among Youth Since 2010, government measures have united the nation across borders and generations, binding us in an indissoluble way, said Katalin... 2024.07.10.
Students Returning from Abroad Strengthen the Country’s Competitiveness Foreign scholarship alumni with Árpád János Potápi The Hungarian Youth Association and the Milestone Institute held a conference entitled 'All... 2023.09.07.
Most Young Hungarians Have no Plans to Leave their Homeland The majority of young Hungarians foresee having their own home, marriage, children, and life in Hungary by 2050, according to... 2023.07.26.