Press Roundup: Inflation Higher, Growth Rate Lower than Expected Economists across the political spectrum investigate the causes and possible remedies of soaring inflation. Hungarian press roundup by Background information:... 2022.05.02.
PMO Head: Europe Must Not Penalize Itself Because of Russia-Ukraine War It is unfair for the state to owe pensioners, Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister's chief of staff, said on Sunday... 2022.05.02.
Orbán: Restoring Status of Esztergom Long Overdue The restoration of the status of the city of Esztergom is long overdue, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Sunday... 2022.05.02.
Press Roundup: Government Extends Price Caps Pro-government analysts welcome the government’s decision to keep prices down as a pragmatic social policy at a time of rapid... 2022.04.30.
FM Szijjártó: Govt Pursuing ‘Successful Economic Strategy’ The outcome of the general election is partly a recognition of the government's successful economic strategy that it has pursued... 2022.04.30.
Poll: Majority of Hungarians Say Press Is Not Free in Hungary "More than half of people in four former communist central European counties fear media freedom is in danger, with significant... 2022.04.30.
Chancellor Scholz ‘cherish the idea that Orbán is transforming his country into an autocratic state’ – Political Scientist Patzelt on Germany’s Perception of Hungary "Von der Leyen and her circle, as well as the SPD and its chancellor, cherish the idea that Viktor Orbán... 2022.04.29.
DK Calls on EP Pegasus Committee to Hear Justice Minister The opposition Democratic Coalition has proposed that Justice Minister Judit Varga should be interviewed by the European Parliament's Pegasus committee.... 2022.04.29.
Details: Rule of Law Mechanism Launched over Suspected Corruption in Public Procurements There are concrete cases in the letter sent to Hungary over the launch of the rule of law mechanism, Gergely... 2022.04.29.
Fidesz MEP: EC Rule-of-Law Mechanism against Hungary ‘Punishment and Pressure’ The European Commission's decision to activate the rule-of-law mechanism against Hungary serves to put pressure on and penalise its government... 2022.04.29.
PMO Head Gulyás: Gov’t Sees No Obstacle to Signing Agreement on EU’s €7.2 Recovery Fund Hungary's government has received and reviewed the European Commission's letter activating the so-called conditionality mechanism linking European Union funding to... 2022.04.28.
Hungary’s Lightning Company Tungsram Announces Mass Layoffs Renowned Hungarian lighting company Tungsram will lay off 1,600 people – more than half of its total workforce- by year's... 2022.04.28.
Extension of Food and Fuel Price Caps Also Has a Price As we have previously reported, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced the extension of the food and fuel price cap on... 2022.04.28.
‘Europe is strong, Orbán has lost!’ – Opposition Politicians on Launch of Rule-of-Law Mechanism "If Viktor Orbán really cared about representing the interests of Hungarians, he would not be trampling on and dismantling Hungarian... 2022.04.28.
Gov’t Approves 3.9% Pension Top-Up Hungary's government has decided to raise pensions by a further 3.9 percent from July in light of higher than expected... 2022.04.28.
FM Szijjártó: UN Must Play Active Role in Achieving Peace in Ukraine With the war in Ukraine becoming increasingly brutal, it is crucial that the United Nations play an even more active... 2022.04.28.
Orbán to Scholz: Developing Hungary-Germany Ties Strategically Important Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sent a letter to thank German Chancellor Olaf Scholz for congratulating him on winning... 2022.04.28.
FM Szijjártó: Bulgarian and Serbian Energy Ministers Confirm Russian Gas Supplies Undisturbed The Bulgarian and Serbian ministers in charge of energy affairs have confirmed that Russian gas supplies through Turkey, Bulgaria and... 2022.04.28.
PMO Head on Rule of Law Mechanism: Voters Made Clear Decision in April 3 Election Hungary's government has received from Brussels the letter activating the so-called conditionality mechanism linking European Union funding to the rule... 2022.04.28.
PM Orbán Announces Extension of Fuel and Food Price Caps The government has decided to extend the caps on fuel and some staple foods until July 1, Hungary's prime minister... 2022.04.27.
Rule of Law Mechanism Launched against Hungary European Commission Budget Commissioner Johannes Hahn has sent a formal note to the Hungarian government on the launch of a... 2022.04.27.